Help To Banish Snoring From Your Life For Good

09/06/2012 02:40


Snoring is a complicated disorder that causes people to make rather irritating sounds while they sleep. Until it is pointed out by someone, they remain unaware that they are snoring. Some people are embarrassed by their snoring, but it can also be a sign that there are other problems. This article will provide helpful tips on dealing with snoring.
To reduce the chances of snoring at night, limit your intake of excess food and alcohol for at least three hours before you go to bed. Big meals and alcohol can both make your throat muscles relax. Snoring can follow, even for those who are not habitual snorers.
Dairy products make many people snore, regardless of whether they are lactose intolerant. Dairy increases the thickness of your mucus which then blocks your airways and gives you difficult breathing. To decrease your snoring issues, substitute warm tea for a customary glass of warm milk.
If you have allergies or another condition that causes congestion, the chances of you snoring are increased. Congestion causes nasal passages and airways to become constricted, which can block air and result in snoring. One method for avoiding this is by taking a nasal decongestant prior to bedtime, so that a more restful sleep is possible.
If you have a snoring problem, check with your doctor to see if any of your prescription medications might be exacerbating your condition. Some medications that you obtain by prescription can have a tendency to make you snore. Medications that are intended to relax the muscles, such as sleeping pills, pain killers, antihistamines and muscle relaxants, loosen the throat muscles constricting the airway. Snoring is often caused by restricted air passages.
Having your mouth open when you sleep can lead to snoring, because the sounds of snoring are created by breathing via the mouth and throat airway. Breathing via the nose will cause air to avoid traveling through the throat. You can avoid breathing by mouth when you use a chin strap or mouth sealant that keeps your mouth shut during sleep. You can buy these devices from almost any pharmacy and also online.
The information in this article tells us that many people snore but, unless a friend or family member tells them, they are not aware of it. It may be embarrassing finding out you snore, and it could also be a sign of internal issues. Apply the above tips to sleep quietly and hopefully stop snoring for good.